We understand that purchasing online without first seeing or trying it on might be difficult. With this in mind, we accept returns and exchanges within 14 days after receiving your item, subject to the following conditions:

1. Returned item(s) must be returned in its original packaging & tags intact.

2. Returned item(s) must not be worn, washed or altered, and with no visible signs of wear or tear.

3. There are no shipping costs when you return item(s).

4. To be eligible for a refund, purchased item(s) has to be returned in proper condition as stated above. Products that appear worn or smell of perfume, deodorant or tan will not be accepted.

5. VGUISH reserves the rights to reject a refund or exchange request if returned item(s) do not comply with the above terms.

6. Refunds will only be processed once we have received and checked your returned item(s). If your refund is accepted, we will refund the price you paid for your item back to your original payment method.

7. Please allow up to 5 working days for us to assess your returned item(s) & process your refund / exchange from the day we received the item.

8. Refunds may take up 10 business days to be credited back into your original mode of purchase.

9. We do product quality inspection before we ship our item(s). If there are any product defects or wrong order by any chance – feel free to email us on